lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008

la profecia completa en ingles

traducelo con un traductor;
Hi everyone,
We as people tend to want to hear only good and funny things so that is what we share with our friends on the internet, we don't like to think about hard times or decisions we have made that might not have been right. We like to recieve pretty emails and share the same. But life is not all pretty and it is not all funny and whether we like it or not, this nation has been changed and we must still live here, we have no where else to go. The following phophecies are serious, you won't get a laugh out of them and you won't think they are pretty and some of you won't like them at all. But in them there is a reality about our nation that as christians we need to start thinking about and make adjustments to our spiritual walk as needed. I for one want to do the will of God in my life, do I always do that, no, but I keep trying and with God's help, I will be a better Christian tomorrow and everyday following. I am determined to go with God and with the move of the spirit for this country and my life. The following is a combination of emails that I recieved and I have put them in one letter, to make them easier to read and keep.
I know the election has been over for about a month now, but it truly is not over, it has just begun(the after effects), I am a little late in sending these out because I have been thru alot this past month and I was working 6 and 7 days a week till late most days and just hadn't gotten around to reading my email's till this morning. So now that I have read them, I am sharing them with you all, prophecies are given as warnings to God's people so they can pray and seek him and they are also given to build up the church and encourage the people. Some of these prophecies were given before the elections and some after and you will see that those that were given before came to pass and those that were given after explain things that went on during this election. The last prophecy is from my pastor, Roger Clayton and the spirit of God was very strong in the sanctuary that morning, we could all sense the seriousness of this election and the word of God that came forth out of the mouth of the prophet spoke to each of us with strong conviction about our role in this election. My pastor also did a sermon and teaching that explained the prophecy the following Sunday and I will be uploading it and making it available to anyone that would like to listen to it.
God Bless you one and all
Love you

A WORD OFPROPHECY SENT TO THE CHURCH VIA BETH MOOREOn June 27th and 28th I attended a conference in Atlanta called Deeper Still. Iwas one of the three speakers - among the others being Kay Arthur, well knownauthor and Biblical teacher, I looked forward to a special time of worship andhaving God convict me of my sns and lead me to areas in my life where I need tochange. I have been to similar conferences for years, although none this largeand with so many well-known speakers. There were over 20,000 women in theattendance at the Phillips Arena in Atlanta - they said it was the largest crowdever.I had an idea of what to expect from the conference, but nothing prepared mefor what actually happened. I feel led to share my experience with family andfriends. This is important, so stay with me!When Kay Arthur took the stage you could just tell that her spirit was heavyand there was a certain 'heaviness' inthe atmosphere even before shestarted to speak. She said that she had been literally physically sick to haveto bring us this message and right out the gate she said, "We are in gravedanger.' She said that God had revealed to her that a literal famine iscoming to America -Physical, not spiritual. She said that God is moving injudgement against our nation. I know I can't describe this well enough, butthe atmosphere was ominous.Kay is a seasoned speaker and she had to BATTLE to get through her message. Shestumbled over scriptures and had an extremely difficult time. AT times I wasalmost expecting her to collapse. At one point she just had to stop and pray.There was no person, myself included, that I could see who did not have tearsstreaming down their faces. As you may know Kay Arthur is normally a veryconfident, composed speaker, but she was literally in a sprirtual battle and itwas taking placeright before my eyes. I have never seen anythng like it.She went on to give 7 things that Christians must do during this time and I amgoing to give those to you now:1. Return to God. Jeremiah 4:3 - Breakup the fallow gound - return to Me.Repent. Get on your face before God and ask Him to break you heart with thethings that break His heart.2. Mourn. Jeremiah 9:17-18 and Ezekiel 9- It is time to weep because ournation's sin is increadible.3. Pray. Jeremiah 36:7 - Pray fervently, passionately for America.4. Love God's Word. Jeremiah 20 - You MUST love the Word of God and be inthe Word of God. I was particularly cnvicted here because I know I have not beenas deeply in His Word as I need to be She said we must get serious about this.5. Love others as Jesus loved them. Jeremiah 31:3 and John 13:346. Introduce people to Jesus Christ. It's time to et serius about this. Thsis notime for timidity.Jeremiah 31:31; Jeremiah 33:1-9, 1, 17.7. Rest. If you will do these things, then est in the fact that you have dneGod's will. She said that it is going to be vitally important for us to getenough physical rest. She went on to say that God has not gven us a spirit offear an that if we are obedient to Him, we will be protected. She said to readEzekiel 14 over and over until you understand it.This is what God will do if a country turns against HIm. She said that this isgoing to be a calamity (she used the word calamity in such a way that you knewthis is going to be no small thing for our country), and gave many scripturereferences, but what I have given you are the main points that she made. I hopeyou know that I would not have sent this to you if I had not been profoundlyaffected by it an feel it is of great importance to share t. Thank you fortaking the ime to read thi and
I hope you will do with this information what youfeel led by God to do.Love in Christ Jesus,Beth Moore

A Messianic (Jewish) friend of mine sent me this word from Kathleen Mitchell...
Received by K. Mitchell on Oct. 23, 2008

Oct. 25, 2008


On Thursday, the Lord called me to go out into the neighborhoods around our home to do a prayer walk. As I walked, I looked at each house and spoke these word, that He had given to me to speak:

"Fear the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ... know His truth and walk in it! Vote for LIFE!"

That prayer walk was a powerful experience ... one which I would highly recommend for each of you do. Get a partner to go along with you. Perhaps many of you could meet as a group to pray, and then divide up the streets and neighborhoods; going out in teams. You could do this kind of thing through a mall or through an office complex as well. It could be quite incredible speaking this simple declaration, while driving around the belt line interstate loop in your city, if you have one. I did my prayer walk during the day, when there were few people to notice me. Whenever/however the Lord calls you to step out in this way, do it. The anointing upon this act of obedience was very strong.

Before I write the second part of this short note to you, I need to tell you that I am writing it in a deep sense of the fear of the Lord. When I finished my prayer walk, I asked the Lord what the consequences will be, if His word of truth and if His mandates are ignored in this election. God answered my question. My husband has confirmed that this report of God's answer is to go out to each of you right now. The fear of the Lord upon me is the result of the responsibility I bear in presenting you such a message. If I do not share the message, the accountability upon me as a watch woman, is too overwhelming to think about. If, after I have shared this message with the Body, it is then ignored, the accountability will be VERY high upon everyone who has read/heard it. The consequences could be devastating. As I share this message, and as we receive similar messages from other people of God on these issues, none of us will be able to stand before the Lord one day and say that we didn't understand the situation ... that we didn't know what was a stake, or what He wanted us to do. We will have no place to stand before Him on this matter at all. So here is the word I received. Please pray before you read it.

Here is what He said ...
Oct. 23, 2008
"A great charge will come down upon the shepherds of my flocks ... against those who did not vote for LIFE, when the choice between sin and righteousness has been placed so clearly before you. A great price will be come down to be paid, not only for the CHOICE the leaders personally make, but also upon them for not instructing their flocks to stand with My holiness and with My word on this matter. Every one, who has been entrusted with leadership in any form will be charged this price for indifference to Me, expressed in their silence. There is no option of refusing to cast a vote. LUKEWARM is always rejected by Me. Men have tried to proclaim this election to be a matter of color. I too have declared it as such, but not one of skin color. The color I see in this election is RED. I see the blood of the innocent, shed for human convenience and prosperity, and I am filled with grief and anger. For each one who makes a choice with a vote to support the murder of the innocent in the womb ... for each one who casts a vote in favor of one who will legislate rebellion against My commanded order for the covenant between a man and a woman ... for each one of these violations and for others against My holiness ... legislating against the life and the truth I have entrusted to you ... a great opportunity for destruction will now come. Each person who votes for the prosperity of abortion death, will open a great door into his home, into his life, and into his family for the spirit of Death to enter in freely. Death will come in many forms, and it will not be turned back from those who made a covenant of acceptance with it, through their vote. Hear Me ... this thing will be of your own doing, and these consequences in death will come to you by your own choice, because of your alliance with Death, made against my decree for LIFE. You have asked for guidance and for My heart, but so many have cast it aside to worship at their own altar of prideful intellectualism, materialism, and freedom. This election will be like no other election to this day. My patience has been expended concerning this matter. This is an election of LIFE AND DEATH; affecting not only nations, but also individuals who have claimed to know Me within those nations. Chose this day WHO is your authority. Chose this day whose word is TRUTH. By your vote you will declare it. By your vote, either I will protect you, or I will step back to allow that which you have chosen to defend with your freedom and vote, to come upon you. Truly I say to you, CHOOSE LIFE!"

Please, individually seek the Lord concerning this serious word. My heart is heavy, as I am sure yours is after reading the words I have recorded above. First, ask the Lord to confirm the word in the Spirit as His word. Then ask Him to show you who to share it with. Many of you will be asked to share it with your pastor. The consequences of that may be painful, if he/she is not Spirit-filled and walking deeply in the truth of His word. You may be asked to share the word with family members, whose minds are made up concerning this election. So many are deceived and hypnotized by sweet promises and by personal charisma, that they become angry to have their choice challenged by anyone. Be loving, and be firm. Deliver the word and leave it with that person; asking the Lord to convict them and to convince them of the truth.

At this point I will sign off to release this word to the Internet. God bless and sustain you. Thank you for your prayers to cover this ministry as we seek to honor and obey Him.

Love in the Messiah,

Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 15:11:52 -0500A Prophetic Warning from Pastor Steve FossSat, 25 Oct 2008I am writing to you today an urgent message concerning the coming American election. God has released me to share with you a powerful prophecy He gave me eight years ago. I have shared this prophecy in a number of public meetings, but I have never published it for all our friends and partners.In January of 2000 God gave me an incredible insight into what was about to happen in the coming elections in America over the next decade.I am not using this e-mail to tell you, who are citizens of America, who to vote for. However, you need to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. Never in my 22 years of ministry have I seen such a spirit of delusion released upon our country.In January of 2000, while the Republican nomination for president was far from being decided, God spoke to me that George W. Bush would be the president of the United States.He told me it would be the hardest fought election in American history. I'm sure we can all remember the incredible battle that took place in Florida. He told me that President Bush would be elected to two terms. He told me that during Bush's term there would be a season of unprecedented economic prosperity.Now despite what the media has said, the economic wealth created during the last eight years was unprecedented. I know the media and one of the political parties has been trying to paint the last eight years as the worst economic time in American history, but it is absolutely untrue. If you look at the wealth created, there were more millionaires createdin the last eight years than any time in history. Multitudes of people were able to sell real estate before the housing market collapse, and received incredible transfers of wealth. I could spend hours showing documentation of the wealth created, but suffice it to say, the evidence is there.God then said to me, "At the end of President Bush's second term there would be an economic collapse." As everyone in the world knows, we have just faced the greatest economic threat since 1929 and the Great Depression.I will speak a little more about the present economic situation alittle later in this message.Every detail that God gave me has come to pass exactly as He said. Now there is one more important thing that God spoke to me. This is the purpose and the reason I am writing this e-mail today. God spoke to me that after George W. Bush, America would elect its most ungodly presidentever.I'm going to say that again. God spoke to me that after George W.Bush, America would elect its most ungodly president ever.As of the writing of this e-mail we are now less than two weeks away from voting for our next president. At this time the polls are strongly showing that the Democratic nominee for president will easily win the White House.Now in 2006 I began to ask the Lord, "Is that guaranteed to happen in 2008?" He spoke to me very clearly and gave me the key words to what I believe holds this election in the balance right now. He gave me these key words that can forever change what is about to happen in America.He said, "It depends on the Christians."I am not going to endorse a candidate, nor am I telling anyone who to vote for. I am simply sharing what God has shown me.I had a vision earlier this year. I saw Barack Obama in thisvision. He was speaking to a large crowd and being broadcast on television. He was speaking incredible words of unity, peace, and bringing all sides together; the words were elegant, the words were comforting, and the words were inspiring.But while he was speaking I saw all a powerful spirit of violence coming out of his spirit feeding into the spirits of those that were hearing him. That spirit of violence was directed at anybody who opposed what he was saying. Those who heard his words and received it had the spirit of violence being implanted inside of them. It was a rage like I have not seen before.It was the rage that would be unleashed against those who oppose and stand in the way of Barack Obama's agenda. We are already seeing the beginnings of this spirit manifested here in America. The vicious attacks against Sarah Palin have been unlike anything we have ever seenbefore.The sheer hate for this woman from people who knew nothing about her, and who claim to stand up and protect the littlepeople, and women, has been shocking.We now see it with Joe the plumber. These people who are under the influence of this demon spirit of rage desire to completely destroy this man because he dared to question Barack Obama. In fact it wasn't just the question; it was because Barack Obama revealed his true agenda that Joe the plumber became a threat. So the supporters of Barack Obama who had been fed and affected by the spirit of violence went into full swing to destroy a fellow citizen; the very kind of person that Barack Obama has been speaking about in his eloquent speeches, saying how he is the only candidate fighting for them.I want to put this deep in your spirit. I am speaking as a prophet.The words I'm about to tell you are "thus saith theLord". If Barack Obama is elected, the attacks against free speech, against those who believe differently than he does, and the systematic use of the government and laws to silence the voice of fundamental Christians will be unlike anything ever seen in this nation before.I have talked to many Christians, including pastors, not only here in the United States but around the world, who strongly support Barack Obama. Many of them are angry with the Republicans, and understandably so.Others are inspired by the thought of electing America's first African American president, while others believe Barack Obama to be aChristian who is very concerned with the poor and needy. I am not going to address any of the many concerns about Barack Obama and his form of Christianity. I am only speaking the words of thus saith the Lord, and you have to decide what you're going to do withit.But I want to remind you, every word God has spoken to me over the last eight years and every word which I have prophesied about the American government and the elections has come to pass.God does not give this prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.God said that the 2008 election is in the hands of the Christians.Just like when God spoke to Jonah about the judgment coming to Nineveh, when the Ninevites repented God withheld judgment; the same can happen in this election. Even though God spoke that America would elect its most ungodly president, He has given us the ability to stay this judgment.Now you may be asking, "Are you saying that Barack Obama, if elected, would be America's most ungodly president ever?" Yes!Now I'm not telling you who to vote for. Some people want an ungodly president. That's their choice. I have watched throughout theworld, Christians support political leaders who are blatantly ungodly. So again, this is the people's choice.I believe if the Christians will pray, repent, and hear the voice of God, a miracle can happen on Election Day. This nation lies in the hands of the Christians.Will we humble ourselves before God and pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done? Or will we allow our emotions, ourfeelings, our angers, our greed, our race, the opinions of the media, our fears, to dictate to us and affect who we vote for? If you allow these things to affect you, whether you vote for Republican or Democrat, you are not being led by the Spirit.We must spend time in deep intercessory prayer and cry out for God's mercy upon America.For all our friends who are not in the United States, if Christianity comes under the assaults that it would under a government controlled by Barack Obama andthe Liberal Democrats, it will have horrible negative effects on the Gospel throughout theworld.All truth is parallel. People say when America catches a cold, the world suffers a flu. This present financial crisis is proof of that. When America is moral and bows its knee to God, it has incredible positive spiritual impact around the world. However, we have seen over the last several decades, when America becomes more immoral that too affects the world.We need all the Christians around the world to pray for revival to come to America, and for God to have mercy and spare us from this judgment.Finally, a brief word about the financial crisis. This is not the end time financial crisis. It is very serious, and it is shaking the foundations of the world's economic system. But we will come out of this, and there will be a time again of incredible wealth creation. However,the cracks in the financial system will not be healed.Thedoor has been opened and the way is being made for a one world government system to overtake the world's economics.The world will falsely look at this situation and say that when the governments individually, and with some unified coordination, jumped in to rescue the world, that it prevented a worldwide depression.In the future, when the true end time financial collapse takes place, it will be very easy for the nations of the world and the peoples ofthose nations to allow a new worldwide governing body to come to the rescue. Understand that everything that is happening has a significant spiritual purpose.So don't panic by what you see happening today, but take this as a spiritual warning from God. Prepare yourself. Get out of debt. Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in regards to how you handle money. Let Godposition you to handle the future complete economic collapse and the overtaking of the world's economic system.--Prophecy from Dutch Sheets leading prophet and US and World intercessory prayer teacher and author
Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 11:18 PMHello my precious friends,I got the email that I am about to share with you today from a wonderfulfriend. Nevertheless, I went directly to Dutch Sheets website to verify that itwas indeed a statement he wrote. I copied this directly from his page. The link is as follows: http://www.dutchshe cfm/pageid/ 263Please feel free to check it out for yourself :)I think it is a balanced answer to the question of the outcome of election2008. He is a good and Godly man with an excellent reputation in the body ofChrist.I trust him completely. This is my stance on the subject as well.God bless you!Pastor KimNovember 6, 2008I feel
certain that many in my stream of the Church want a statement from meconcerning Tuesday's presidential election. I will be frank in my remarksbut I do not, however, intend to vent anger or attack anyone. I have readseveral statements from friends and colleagues I respect very much.Their thoughts are well stated and, for the most part, insightful. None ofthem, however, seem to want to say some things that I believe need to be said. Ido not claim infallibility or to have the final word, but my convictions rundeep and I believe I bear a God-given responsibility to share them.Was This God's Will?Was what happened Tuesday God's will? I am quite confident it was not.America was offered a very clear choice between moving further toward protectingthe unborn or further away; between a Supreme Court that would move towardhonoring God, life and morality or away from it. The stakes
couldn't havebeen higher nor the cost greater. As a nation we put on blinders concerningBarak Obama's background, associations, beliefs and practices, and set thesecauses back years, possibly decades.And in doing so we took another step away from God and His plans for America,and another step toward judgment.Judgment Will IncreaseThis is not a fire and brimstone warning from an angry, legalistic preacher. Infact, I feel more sadness and grief than anything else.Perhaps I feel what Jesus felt as He wept for Jerusalem while announcing itsjudgment. I am not hoping for judgment; I am saying it is inevitable. Idon't know where the unbiblical belief comes from that says a nation canlive any way it pleases, can reject God and His ways-even mock Him-and notreceive His judgments. Nor do I know when the belief came that it is alwaysmean-spirited or judgmental
to warn of these things. To the contrary, I believeit is our responsibility.In warning of judgment, I am not suggesting that God is going to intentiallyand directly hurt people. Much judgment is simply the absence of God'sprotection and provision, caused by a rejection of His laws and ways. We havebeen experiencing some forms of judgment in America for years, but God in Hisincredible patience and mercy has kept us from the level we've deserved.I believe this will change to a degree and judgment will nowincrease:For those in the Church who aligned themselves with pro-abortion forces, Ibelieve judgment will result.For leaders in the Body of Christ who refused to take a stand for fear oflosing people, money, and tax-exempt status-I believe there will be a degree ofjudgment.For those, both within the Church and without, who voted money over
morality-apotential raise or better health insurance over the life of a baby-there will bejudgment. (The irony is that this decision to base one's vote on the hopesof a better economy won't produce the hoped for result anyway. Thescriptures teach that it is righteousness which exalts a nation and that thenation is blessed whose God is the Lord.)I have heard the argument that God cares as much about social justice issues(such as poverty and racism) as He does abortion, making a vote for Obama OK. Icertainly believe God puts a very high priority on caring for the poor and I,too, have wanted to see equality demonstrated through a "minority"president. But to equate having a better income or the desire for a first blackpresident, regardless of his positions ..ion and morality, to the issue ofkilling 50 million babies is not justice-it is a gross distortion of justice andgreat deception. I
fear that we have been desensitized to this issue ofabortion. I believe it kills babies and takes innocent life. I also believe itis blood sacrifice that empowers demons. Let's not forget this in our nobleattempts to be kind and conciliatory.For African Americans I can easily see how it could bring healing to have afirst black president, just as it would be for Native Americans to achieve thisor for women if a woman were elected president. Again, I have wanted to seejustice in this way. I am only saddened that the price for this healing ended upbeing Barak Obama, a man that will set the cause of life and, most-likely, ourGod-given destiny as a nation back so drastically. (I also realize there aresome who interpret any criticism of Obama as racism. Racism is so NOT what I amabout nor what I live, that I will not even dignify any such accusations with aresponse.)What Can
We Expect?What are some of the judgments we can expect on our nation from this election?More economic woesMore violence in an already violent nationDisease and death (satan, who is responsible for these things will have greaterinroads to our nation.)Natural disasters (weather-tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, drought; fires;earthquakes; etc.)Terrorism (they will fear us much less now)War, perhaps on our own soilJudgments relating to the Court. The stacking of the Supreme Court against thesanctity of life and God's influence on America will occur, which will inturn cause the shedding of more innocent blood, more rejection of God's lawsand the stealing from us of our godly heritage-all of which will perpetuate acycle of even more judgment.How Did This Happen?I've been asked if this could have been averted had there
been more prayer.I'm not sure. I believe there was a remnant of Christians fervently prayingover these elections-I don't think there was anything more they could havedone. Others, obviously, should have done more. The complacency and lack ofdiscernment concerning our real condition in America-especially by the Church-isboth appalling and horrifying. America is in serious trouble and it seems no onewants to say it. Fewer still are willing to do anything to change it.Though I understand our reasons, we must be careful in our attempts to placateour feelings and calm our fears through religious phrases like "God isstill on the throne" or "God has a plan". He was on His throne 35years and 50 million babies ago. And He had a plan back then. The problem is, itwas us. I understand our reasons for waving high the banner of God'ssovereignty at times like these-it gives us hope. I will wave it, as
well.But please be careful with this. Too much emphasis on God's sovereignty andwe're worthless; too little and we're hopeless. Maybe we should say,"we lost a critical battle but God will give us strategy to win thewar." Then find the strategy.But still yet, since God is usually willing to work through a remnant, Ithought we had enough prayer. Obviously, God decided otherwise. There comes atime when He will not forgive or bless the majority based on the prayers oractions of only a few. America rejected God and asked for a king; I believe wenow have our Saul (see 1 Samuel 8:5-7)-a man who does not have God's heartfor America but his own. Like Israel in scripture, our nation believes it canturn from God and still be blessed. In His mercy and justice He will show usotherwise.Like many, believing I had many promises and confirmations that God would"grace" us
with a pro-life president in this election, I failed toconsider strongly enough that all promises-even scripture-are conditional 99.9%of the time. Though I never prophesied or made guarantees that McCain-Palinwould win, failing to factor this principle in strongly enough no doubt causedme to share my optimism with others inappropriately. If this caused any harm orconfusion, I apologize.Has the fact that my prayers weren't answered shaken my faith? No. I'ma little confused and discouraged. I'm also somewhat angry at the nation ingeneral and much of the Church. Mostly I'm grieving over the nation and whatthis will cost us. I am not, however, angry with God and do not question Hisjustice. And it is not true that we wasted our time, energy and money in ourefforts anymore than it is a waste when we share the gospel with people whodon't get saved. We must keep in the forefront of our thinking the
fact thatultimately we are doing this for Him and that He will reward us for ourfaithfulness. And who knows, perhaps He will store up all those prayers for thenext battle (Revelation 5:8, 8:3-5).A friend and fellow warrior said it well,"We did 'give it our all.' I know the Lord was pleased with that.A coach wants to know one thing at the end of a heartbreaking sports loss:'Did you leave it all on the field?' (your passion, your commitment,your strength, your courage, etc.) I know that we 'left it all on thefield.' We didn't hold anything back until the game ended. Tragically,it ended in defeat. We will rise for another day because Jesus is worthy."Where Do We Go from Here?Does this election outcome shake my faith that we can see a great awakening andultimately reformation in America? Absolutely not (and it strengthens myresolve). We will
simply get there through greater pain and loss. Even mypassion to see the Supreme Court shift is not from a presupposition that therecan be no spiritual awakening without it. It is simply due to my deep convictionthat their decisions bring so much death, destruction, curses and judgment toAmerica; and because our full destiny as a nation is unquestionably linked totheir decisions. So, yes, we will get an awakening and reformation; but thereality is that this reformation of the nation will reform the Supreme Court(and government, in general), not vice-versa. My faith has never been in peopleor a political party; my faith is in the God who works through them.I've been asked if my feelings about Sarah Palin have changed. They havenot. I believe she is an Esther, a Deborah, with a huge mantle from God forreformation. God has a great destiny for her related to this nation if shechooses to
continue down this path.So, in conclusion, we must re-group as an apostolic, praying church andadvance. We must maintain an immovable faith in God, His plans for America andHis mercy. And we must move beyond simply asking God for a spiritual awakeningand ask Him for strategy to produce reformation, as well.I, for one, am just getting started!For God and this great nation,Dutch Sheets -- Prophecy Concerning the Presidential Election in 2008 Given by Pastor Roger ClaytonNovember 9, 2008 ~ Sunday Morning Service And many will say many will say(concerning the 2008 election), oh, it must be God’s will. It must be God’s will; yes it must have been the will of God for it to come out this way. That’s why it went this way, yeh it was God’s will. Many, many, many in my house are saying right now, yes, it must have been God’s will. It must have been the powers that be theyare ordained of God, after all the powers that be, I’ve said it in my Word. The powers that be are ordained of God. Yes, but I’ll tell you, oh I tell you by my spirit, right now, thru my prophet, I’ll tell you, it wasn’t my will, it wasn’t my will. No, I ordained Saul, Yes, I ordained him to be King, yeah, I even sent my anointed prophet, Samuel to pour the oil on his head, you can look at it, it’s in my Word. I sent my prophet to anoint Saul to be king over my people, but, it was not my perfect will. It was not my choice, it was not my decision, but I tell you many, many, many in my house, Oh, they prayed wrong, many, many in my house they voted wrong, they were moved by personality, they were moved by their own personal desires and their own ambition. Yeah, they were not, they were not, they were not moved by my Spirit saith the Lord, oh no, it was not my will; I didn’t call him to be in charge. No but I allowed it, I ordained him, because of the choice of America, because of the choice of many,many, many in my house. Yeah there were some in my house that prayed right, there were some in my house that voted right, but let metell you a truth, I have winked at a sin in America for years, those that vote for abortion, oh, those that support that which I hate, I hate abortion, I hate those that shed innocent blood, saith the Lord. And I am not pleased when my people, even my ministers, even whole churches, go and support that which I hate, and I tell you, that I winked at it, for generations I allowed it, but I tell you this election cycle, oh no you should have know better, you should have known better, even if your Pastor didn’t warn you, and they’ll be accountable to me, those preachers that didn’t preach against abortion and didn’t tell their congregations that you don’t vote for that which God hates, Oh they’ll be accountable this time. And I am looking, my eyes are looking Saith the Lord, and they vote for death, they will reap deaths, saith God.Oh, and I tell you, they sowed deception in the voting booth, they went into the voting booth and they soweddeception, and I, even I shall send them strong delusion, many in my house there shall be a great falling away, in this day, saith the Lord. There will be a great falling away, because they sowed deception and I sent them strong delusion, because they did not receive they love of the truth, oh no, no you can’t love truth and love abortion, oh no, you can’t love truth and love gay marriage, oh no, you can’t love truth and love those that appoint ungodly judges, in my city and my country and my nation that I called, I called America, I have a covenantwith America, and yeah, I’ve held back judgment. Oh you’ve seen some judgment, but, not like you could have seen, because my people prayed, my people stood,and I’ve held back some judgment from America. And I’ll tell you, this election, this election, my people sowed for judgment, my people sowed, many in my house sowed deception, and they’ll reap strong delusion, saith theLord. And let me tell you something, there are some things that are worse than a weak economy, Oh yes, there are somethings that are worse than recession and depression saith the Lord. There are some things worse than the stockmarket falling, and gas prices going up, saith the Lord. There are some things worse than that. Oh let me tell you, let me tell you, there plagues that are coming, there are plagues that are coming that make aids look like thecommon cold, saith the Lord, there are some things worse even than that though, oh, there’s worse things thanfamine and pestilence saith the Lord. The worst thing is deception, the worst thing is the delusion that I’m sending, oh the devils not sending it, I’m sending it to my house. I’m sending it to those preachers that voted wrong and told their people to vote wrong. I’m sending it to those Christians that went into a voting booth and made a covenant with death. They made a covenant with death, they don’t care about my babies, they don’t care about my babies, and let me tell you, for years and years I’ve been sending little babies to America, and I sent some people with great gifting, oh yes, therewere some Mozart’s, they were some musical gifts, there were some musical gifts that I sent. Oh yes, I sent some inventions that would have made your life better, saith the Lord. And Yeah I sent the cure for cancer and I sent the cure for aids, saith the Lord, oh yes, oh yes, I sent some good things to planet Earth, I even sent some evangelist, you prayed for revival, I sent some evangelist, that would have brought revival to America. AND THEY WERE MURDERED in abortion clinics and my people stood by and many didn’t vote and many votedwrong. And yeah, I have winked at it in times past, but no longer saith the Lord. No longer, Judgment must come to my house, must come to my house, to my house, judgment that must begin in the house of the Lordand many, many shall taste of my judgment, who call themselves by the name of Christ. And they’ll say why, why,why is the Lord allowing it. Oh I didn’t allow it, you brought it, I didn’t send it, you brought it, saith the Lord. But you that voted right, you that prayed right, you that stood for righteousness, you that stood for life, I’ll protectyou, yeah I’ll protect you, I’ll deliver you. You’ll sow in famine and reap a hundred fold, you’ll walk in health, whenothers drop dead around you, sayeth the Lord. You that voted right, you that prayed right, you that did the rightthing, I’ll take care of you. But I’ll tell you look, you are going to see judgment. You’re going to see ministries fall;you’re going to see preachers come down. You are going to see whole congregations judged saith the Lord. Because they sowed death, they sowed deception and they shall reap strong delusion, saith the Lord, in this time,in this time, many in my house shall be judged saith God. Prophecy given by Pastor Roger ClaytonInternational Church of DestinyIndiantown, Florida

Profecias sobre estados unidos por profetas norteamericanos

Recuerden que este es un blog que detecta falsas profecias.Solo con el tiempo podemos saber lo que es falsa profecia y lo que no.Juzguemos la profecia por la palabra,pasara el filtro biblico?Yamilet

profecia sobre Estados Unidos Conferencia en Junio En Atlanta;dada por ;Kay Arthur

oremos porque Dios traera una hambruna grande a los Estados Unidos.Es una hambruna fisica no espiritual.Es un juicio por darle la espalda a Dios.

Que deben de hacer los norteamericanos?;

7 cosas que deben de hacer en ese periodo los cristianos;

1-Regresar a Dios;Volver a Dios.Pedirle a Dios que saque de ti lo que a el no le agrade

2-Lamentarse;Tiempo dellorar por los pecados de la nacion

3-Orar-Orar fervientemente por America

4-Amar la palabra de Dios;Debemos de profundizar en la palabra de Dios

5-amarnos los unos a los otros =Dela misma forma en que Cristo nos amo

6-Introducirle a la gente a Cristo=debemos de ser serios en la evangelizacion

7-Descansar-Si haces estas cosas sabes que estas haciendo la voluntad de Dios.

Dios no nos ha dado espiritu de cobardia sino de dominio propio.

octubre 23 2008 dado por Kathleen Mitchell

Esta mujer realizo una caminata de oracion por su vecindario y lo unico que dijo fue;Vota por la vida.lapalabra que Dios le dio a esta mujer fue esto;

Oct. 23, 2008

Una carga grande tendran aquellos pastores de mi rebaño que no votaron por la decencia ni por la vida.Pagaran un gran precio los pastores por no enseñar correctamente a mi rebaño a votar por santidad.Todo el que este en liderato tendra pagara un precio grande por lo que hicieron.

SIEMPRE HE RECHAZADO LA TIBIEZA..El hombre dira que esta eleccion es una cuestion del color de la piel.El color de esta eleccion que veo es rojo de sangre,sangre de inocentes.Esta persona ha dado una advertencia bastante fuerte a aquellos que escojieron la muerte en vez de la vida debido a su tibieza espiritual[muy largo para traducir].Pero se resume segun ella,en que de acuerdo a tu voto,Dios o se echara para atras o te protejera.Es tu decision.

Mon, 3 Nov 2008 15:11:52 -0500A Prophetic Warning from Pastor Steve FossSat, 25 Oct 2008

El indica que hace ocho años atras Dios le dio una profecia.Lo habia compartido en algunas reuniones pero no con todos sus amigos.No esta usando este mensaje para decirte como votar

Le hablo primero sobre como Bush gano las elecciones en Estados Unidos.Pondre el texto completo en ingles para que lo lean.Resumido Dios le habia dicho que al final del periodo de Bush vendria problemas economicos serios.saben que hemos estado pasando por una crisis economica.

Dios le indico que luego de Bush vendra el presidente mas antidios que ha habido en la historia.

Sera el presidente mas sindios de toda la historia.Este hombre indico que las elecciones pasadas estaban a mano de los cristianos.

El dice que tuvo una vision de barack obama habalndo de paz y de union a todos.laspalabras eran elegantes,reconfortantes e inspiradoras.Mientras el hablaba un espiritu violento aparecio y estimulaba a los que escuchaban sus palabras.Todo el que reciba las palabras de Obama vendra un espiritu de violencia hacia esa persona.

Vendra una colera grande contra aquellos que esten encontra de la agenda de Obama.da como ejemplo como este espiritu entro en la gente atacando a Sarah palin y a Joe el plomero de una forma vil solo por estar encontra de Obama.Esto es la profecia ;si gana Obama vendra un ataque brutal contra la libertad de expresion contra aquellos que opinen encontra de el.Usara el gobierno para callar la voz.

Les va hablar Yamilet.Tengo amigos que apoyaron a Obama.Amigos cristianos.Ustedes van a lamentar el haber echo eso.Lloraran lagrimas de sangre porque fueron advertidos.

Volvamos a la profecia de el pastor Steve;Indica el que la situacion economica mundial es causada por lo que esta pasando en estados Unidos.Pondre todo mas adelante en ingles.

Dutch Sheets profecia dada Thursday, November 6, 2008, 11:18 PM

Resumiendo su profecia Escoger a barak Obama es escojer protejer al no nacido y escojer a una corte suprema que adorara y alabara a Dios[recuerden que SaRAh palin es cristiana].Dice que si no,vendra un jucio .No necesariamente directamente de parte de Dios.Si no como consecuencia de personas que no tiene temor de Dios.Para aquellos que se aliaron con los pro aborto vendra un juicio sobre ellos.

Para aquellos lideres que para no perder su feligresia,los diezmos y sus beneficios vendran juicios.Noticias para aquellos que estan profetizando un gran despertar en America.La respuesta es no habra ese despertar.El avivamiento y la reforma en America sera atravez de la suprema corte.Pero no es un avivamiento religioso si no todo lo contrario.
Profetiza que si sarah palin siguiera su camino politico[luego de las elecciones] Dios la respaldara.
Pastor Roger Clayton
November 9, 2008 ~ Sunday Morning Service
Muchos diran fue la voluntad de Dios ,fue la voluntad de Dios fue la voluntad de Dios.Diran que el poder de Dios lo ordeno.Pero les dire atravez del espiritu de mi profeta que no fue mi la misma forma que ordene a Saul y no era mi voluntad .El salio porque muchos en mi casa decidieron por el.Mandare a mi casa mucho engaño y mucha mentira y muchos se apartaran.Enviare un gran engaño dentro de mi casa .Tu no puedes amar la verdad y amar el aborto.viene juicio para america.Muchos han sembrado engaño en mi casa y cosecharan desilucion.habra cosas peores quela subida deprecios del gas y de la gasolina.Vendran pestilencias.Vendran tres plagas que haran ver al sida como un catarro comun.hay cosas peor que la pestilencia y el hambre.Lo peor es elengaño que estoy enviando a mi casa.No es del diablo es mio[Dios].Lo envio a los preidcadores que votaron mal.Queno enseñaron a mi pueblo escoger.
Dice que el envio a evangelistas parap redicar un avivamiento en america pero fueron muertos en clinicas de aborto.Ellos diran ,porque señor,porque señor,porque señor.Tu no lo enviastes,tu no lo enviastes.El protejera aquellos que votaron por el bien,esos seran protejidos

Deniegan exención de impuestos a Keneth Copeland por su jet millonario

El jet que pertenece al ministerio de Kenneth Copeland cuyo valor es de 3.6 millones de dólares ha sido denegado como objeto libre de impuestos en una lucha legal en la que se le puede obligar al evangelista que revele su salario si desea la excepción fiscal. Según información publicada en el Star Telegram tasadores del gobierno le han negado la exención fiscal al yet, porque el ministerio quiere revelar los sueldos de los directores, requisito para obtener la misma.El jet es un Cesna Bravo 550 del año 1998 donado Copeland el año pasado.Como se recordará Kenneth Copeland ha venido enfrentando problemas legales por presuntas irregularidades financieras como la iniciada por el senador norteamericano Charles Grassley
sacado de entre

El regreso de los Vigilantes

La Biblia habla con detenimiento  sobre los vigilantes. Especificamente apocalipsis. Ellos estan todos encerrados en los abismos y que seran...